Jumbo Zipper Scrunchies

  • Jumbo Zipper Scrunchies
  • Jumbo Zipper Scrunchies
  • Jumbo Zipper Scrunchies

Tired of dealing with bulky bags or jean pockets?>

If you always like heading out for a run or even just a walk around the block, you know how frustrating it is to stuff your small pockets with all of your valuables. But what choice do you have when you need to bring some cash or your credit card with you?

You don’t always want to carry a bag with you. But there's also nothing more irritating than having to hold onto your small items when going out. Good thing there’s a functional and fashionable solution to your storage woes in the form of a simple oversized hair tie!

Carry bills and small valuables without trouble with our fashionable Zipper Scrunchie!